Orangeburg Criminal Domestic Violence Attorney
James R. Snell, Jr., is a criminal defense attorney representing clients in Orangeburg South Carolina and all surrounding areas who have been arrested for criminal domestic violence (CDV) and felony criminal domestic violence of a high and aggravated nature (DVHAN).
Criminal Domestic Violence is treated differently in Orangeburg than many other types of criminal offenses. There may be no contact bond orders put into place that prevent you from returning home or having contact with your family. The Orangeburg County Family Court may issues a hearing related to an Order for Protection. Individuals convicted of CDV or felony DVHAN face stiff penalties. Even individuals with no prior arrest record are at risk for a jail sentence.
As a CDV Defense Attorney James Snell knows the available options available to those who have been charged with domestic violence. No matter what the circumstances are of your arrest you have rights, and the simple fact you were arrested does not mean that you will be automatically convicted.
In Orangeburg CDV arrests may be made by the Orangeburg County Sheriff's Department, or officers associated with the surrounding towns including Bowman, Branchville, Elloree, Eutawville, Holly Hill, North, Norway, Rowesville, Santee, Springfield, or Vance.
Orangeburg County CDV cases are usually referred to the Orangeburg Central Domestic Violence Court located at 540 Ellis Avenue NE, (Law Enforcement Complex) Orangeburg, SC 29116-2514. This Court is scheduled to meet bi-weekly and may meet at other times for contested trials. Cases brought by the Orangeburg County Sheriff's Department are referred to this Court. They are prosecuted by a special prosecutor working in conjunction with the 1st Circuit Solicitor's Office.
If you or a loved one has been arrested for domestic violence or any other serious crime in Orangeburg County, you are invited to call our office. There is no charge to meet with us to discuss your case.